Update: Since technically a DI Container could be considered part of SOLID, I’ve swapped it out for Secure Coding… more on this soon!

If I ever right a book on becoming a .NET Ninja, these are the things that I want to cover.Ask a Ninja Handbook




Use a Container (DI)

Secure Coding 101


Automated Tests

Source Control

Continuous Integration

Agile | Lean | Scrum | XP

Team Dynamics

Never Stop Learning

Eventually, I’d like to write a book and dedicate at least a chapter to each of these (although any one of these topics could be a book in and of itself) In the mean time, I think that I’ll start with a blog post on each one, and maybe make it a goal to eventually do a User Group talk covering each topic? I’m looking forward to flushing these out as posts. I hope that you will enjoy them too!

What sort of things would you add to the list?

8 Responses to “10 practices that every developer needs to start right now”

  1. Tweets that mention 10 practices that every developer needs to start right now | Developing UX -- Topsy.com Says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Caleb Jenkins and Caleb Jenkins, Alvin Ashcraft. Alvin Ashcraft said: RT @CalebJenkins: 10 practices that every developer needs to start right now http://bit.ly/6p0oC0 word. […]

  2. MichaelLPerry Says:

    I would add mathematical proof. http://qedcode.com

  3. SOLID: Software that works. | Developing UX Says:

    […] SOLID: Software that works. Feb9 This post is a part of a series that I started with “10 Practices that Every Developer Needs to Start Right Now“. […]

  4. uberVU - social comments Says:

    Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by CalebJenkins: 10 practices that every developer needs to start right now http://bit.ly/6p0oC0 What would you add to the list?…

  5. Secure Coding 101 | Developing UX Says:

    […] Secure Coding 101 Feb10 This post is the 5th in a series that started with the 10 practices that every developer needs to start right now […]

  6. More posts on Software Estimation are coming… « The Blog of Matt Peters Says:

    […] In the meantime, why don’t you check out this great series from my friend Caleb Jenkins: 10 practices that every developer needs to start right now. […]

  7. Practice Software Patterns – Component Patterns | Developing UX Says:

    […] Practice Software Patterns – Component Patterns Mar10 This post is the 6th in a series that started with the 10 practices that every developer needs to start right now […]

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